MTD/1 is the unique high performance strain of Lactobacillus plantarum in Ecosyl inoculants. It’s been thoroughly proven over a wide range of crops and ensiling conditions to improve fermentation and animal performance.

In the drive to improve dairy cow intakes and efficiency of milk production from forage more farmers are producing high DM grass silage. MTD/1 is particularly effective at improving milk production in these conditions.

MTD/1 x 10,000 magnification

MTD/1 bacteria long

Performance improvements

  • 5% higher intake
  • 3 ‘D’ extra digestibility
  •  1.2 litres more milk


  • More than 200 fermentation trials
  • 40 intake/digestibility/ME trials
  • 33 animal performance trials
  • Across seven independent dairy trials with high DM silage, on average, an extra 1.3 litres per cow, per day, was delivered
  • MTD/1 is a natural bacterial strain first isolated in the UK by British scientists
  • It is manufactured and packaged in the UK

Some basic facts

Ecosyl products are backed by over 30 years of research and experience in the commercial manufacture of silage inoculants.

Continuous research in fermentation, preservation and product formulation during this time has resulted in significant product improvements. In particular, in the three key areas of stability (shelf life and tank-mix life), ease-of-use and proven efficacy, Ecosyl sets the highest standards.

Ecosyl now has up to three year shelf life at room temperature and bigger pack sizes and lower application rates for easier use, while milk production benefits from MTD/1 are supported by more independent data than any other inoculant.

Continuous culture

Continuous culture is a method whereby bacteria growing in a fermenter are fed nutrients continuously and harvested continuously. Ecosyl silage inoculants are the only ones produced in this way.

This enables the bacteria to be harvested while actively growing, so every bacterial cell is harvested and preserved in peak condition, ready for immediate competitive action.

This means that every bacteria is ready to go as soon as it is applied to the crop, competing aggressively against undesirable bacteria and rapidly taking hold of the fermentation to ensure maximum preservation of nutrients and maximum palatability.


Ecosyl's patented preservation technology locks each MTD/1 bacterial cell into its own protective shell. Special ingredients protect the cells during freeze drying, aiding a rapid recovery on re-hydration.

Combined with MTD/1's inherent characteristics, the result is a super-stable microorganism which remains active even when stored at ambient temperature.


This is the technology that turns MTD/1 super-bugs into easy-to-use inoculants. Special fully traceable food grade ingredients are added to ensure:

  1. A long shelf life so any product left at the season can be easily stored;
  2. A long tank mix life so temporary delays during harvest are not a problem;
  3. Rapid re-activation of the bacteria on contact with moisture so they are active immediately.

The methods used for culturing, freeze drying and formulation ensure the MTD/1 bacteria are up and running as soon as they are applied to the crop. The long shelf life and tank life are both indicators of just how robust and stable MTD/1 inoculants are.