Serious about making more milk from forage?

How serious are you about getting more from your forage?

Follow the silageSerious enough to re-assess the whole way you make, store and feed your silage?

The good news is… you don’t have to do this alone.

With a FREE Cut to Clamp silage audit, we can help.

And there’s even better news…

Follow the Silage

You see, over the course of a year we’ve captured a video diary of the whole audit process on a real-life Cheshire dairy farm:

  • How a Cut to Clamp audit actually works
  • The changes recommended and implemented as a result of it
  • The benefits that are starting to be seen

This means you don’t have take our word for it that a Cut to Clamp audit can genuinely help towards making better silage.

You can see for yourself.

FREE videos. Every week

FREE videos are being uploaded to this page on a weekly basis. You can find below those that have been uploaded so far.

Better still, to save you the trouble of remembering to revisit this page, why not sign up for our FREE email newsletters, if you haven’t already done so (scroll down to the bottom of the page!).

That way, video links will come directly into your inbox. So you’ll stay better informed for less effort. Plus, they’re packed with other handy silage-related tips!

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