Meet our Silage Experts

Helping farmers make better silage

One of the biggest challenges in making great silage is that the conditions are always changing! It makes it very difficult to compare one clamp to another and to figure out what went well, and what needs improvement. There are however huge clues in the clamp that point to your current process, and the quality of the silage produced.

Our dedicated team of Ecosyl Silage Experts can help interpret this information, by looking at the physical characteristics of the silage and the clamp, and by looking at silage analysis data to understand the feed quality of what is produced.

FInd out more about our team below or contact us.

  • Ken stroud 2663 051 sml experts

    South West & South East

    Ken Stroud

    T. 07713 197084


    Ken has worked in agriculture for over 35 years. He's currently heavily involved with Cut To Clamp, carrying out forage audits on farm in order to help farmers maximise their production with home grown forages and make the right choices for their enterprise.

  • Peter smith experts


    Peter Smith

    T. 07920 721955


    Peter has always had a keen interest in silage making and has specialised in this subject over the last twelve years.