Make your next silage season the best yet with our Ecocool offer!

Let us help you make the most from your silage in 2022 with our latest special offer on Ecocool - buy 10 get 1 completely free!Ecocool offer

Improve your farms sustainability by investing into your home grown forage! If you are serious about making more milk from forage, do you really want some of the hard work and expense you’ve put into growing a nutritious forage maize crop go to waste? Because it easily can in the clamp. And once losses occur, they’re irreversible.

Wondering how Ecocool can help you?

Treating your maize silage with a proven silage additive such as Ecocool will give you greater control of the processes in the clamp.

  • Minimise losses by choosing the right additive – e.g. one containing beneficial bacteria targeted at both:
  • Improving fermentation
  • Reducing heating losses from aerobic spoilage 

Why Ecocool?

Ecocool combines two unique bacterial strains in one inoculant, Lactobacillus plantarum strain MTD/1 for improved fermentation and Lactobacillus buchneri strain PJB/1 for improved aerobic stability, giving you more better quality silage to feed.

  • Faster, more efficient fermentation
  • More nitrogen preserved as true protein
  • Improved aerobic stability
  • Reduced heating and waste
  • Less risk of mycotoxins
  • Lower DM losses

Order your Ecocool before 31st August 2022 to qualify for this special offer - buy 10 and get 1 FREE!

Offer ends 31st August 2022. Valid for UK and Ireland only.

Order now, or contact us for more details. 

Find out more information on the importance of a proven silage additive by reading over our article: Five reasons to preserve maize silage with a proven additive this season.

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