Your guide to a successful silage fermentation

Discover the tremendous benefits of effective silage fermentation. Not only is it a highly cost-effective method of feeding cows, but it also offers a significant return on investment from your most valuable asset – your home-grown grass. What's more, quality silage reduces reliance on purchased feed and can even contribute to improved cow health.

Cows eating

A good fermentation process is essential for preserving grass effectively. While certain aspects of silage-making, such as when to cut, how long to wilt, and chop length – if you simply leave the clamp to ‘ferment itself’ you have no control over the bacteria present – good ones or bad ones. Which effectively leaves nutrient preservation of this valuable feedstuff open to chance.

Understanding the process of fermentation and regaining control using "friendly bacteria" can pay dividends. That's precisely what our handy guide aims to provide – empowering you with knowledge and strategies to optimise fermentation and preserve valuable nutrients in your silage.

Key Topics in Guide:

1. What happens when silage ferments?

Explore the microbial processes that occur during silage fermentation, including the importance of lactic acid, differences between a good and poor fermentation, process of homo-fermentation and hetero-fermentation, and the impact on plant protein during fermentation.

2. Understanding DM (Dry Matter) and energy losses during ensiling

Learn about the factors that contribute to dry matter and energy losses during the ensiling process, such as prolonged initial respiration and poor fermentation

3. Strategies to minimise losses and optimise fermentation

Discover practical techniques and best practices to reduce dry matter and energy losses during ensiling, including rapid wilting, good clamp management, removal of oxygen and inoculant use to improve fermentation.

4. Consequences of DM losses and their implications

Explore the implications of dry matter losses on feed quality, animal performance, and overall farm profitability. Gain insights into the importance of minimising losses for maximum silage utilisation.

5. Introducing Ecosyl

- Find out how Ecosyl improves the fermentation process and see the comparison between Ecosyl-treated silage with untreated silage: Unveiling the benefits.

Fermentation download

By diving into these detailed topics, this comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to master silage fermentation. Unleash the potential of your silage production with Ecosyl, and witness the remarkable impact it can have on your farm's success.

For a more in-depth understanding and practical insights, visit our website or reach out to our experts. Empower your silage fermentation journey and unlock the full potential of your feed resources with Ecosyl.

Download today. 

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