Ecocool Grass

Paul Williams

Waliswood Holsteins, Clyncoch

Paul Williams milks 170 cows in SW Wales along with his wife Bessie and son Bryn.

Paul Williams, Waliswood Holsteins

The herd yields 10,300 litres with 100 acres of grass silage forming the basis of the winter ration plus 29 acres of wholecrop wheat. The grass is cut every six weeks, with four cuts a year.

‘Quality forage is my cheapest and best option. We have used Ecosyl for several years with excellent results, but now I keep the cows in all year so I need something extra to help keep the rations fresh, especially in the summer. Ecocool has done a fantastic job. The rations stay fresh for longer so the cows eat more and don’t try to sort it. I firmly believe palatability is key to production – the more they eat, the better they milk.’

We have used Ecosyl for several years with excellent results.